Outbreaks of a disease called monkeypox are present in European countries including Italy: here you will find some information on how the infection spreads, what to do if you think you have symptoms and how to protect yourself and others.
Knowledge to prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections is the first useful advice that can be provided. Infections are many and different from each other, but it is important to recognise them and be able to distinguish them.
Various species of Candida can cause genital and urinary tract infections, more easily in women but also in men.
Candidiasis is caused by a fungus that lives in our body without giving problems, and that manifests itself in case of poor hygiene, immuno-depression (chronic diseases, antibiotic therapy, diabetes). Thus, this disease is not necessarily linked to sexual activity, but can be transmitted through it.
VIEW DETAILSChlamydia – Trachomatis
They are infections caused by bacteria that live inside cells.
Often without symptoms, after 1-3 weeks it can give infections to the genital tract.
In men and women: burning to urinate, secretions from the penis, abdominal pain, involvement of the uterus resulting in sterility (chronic infection). In pregnancy, possible miscarriage.
VIEW DETAILSCondylomatosis
It is an infection due to a virus, the Papillomavirus (HPV).
The infection runs, in most cases, without symptoms or manifests itself with growths (warts or condyloma) on the genitals. Sometimes, in the case of infections that persist over time and after several years, it can give rise to tumors of the genital tract (to the uterus, in women).
VIEW DETAILSViral Hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C)
They are viral diseases that affect the liver.
How do they manifest themselves?
√ Acute hepatitis with jaundice (yellow color of the skin and eyes) and liver pain;
√ chronic hepatitis: hepatitis B and, especially hepatitis C, can progress over the years to give cirrhosis or liver tumors;
√ status of “healthy carrier”, ie there are no symptoms but you can infect other people.
It is a bacterial infection caused by the gonococcus present in the purulent secretions of the genitals of infected people.
After 2-20 days from infection, burning to urinate or anus, loss of genital material of purulent material (more evident in humans), sore throat in case of infection in the oral cavity.
If left untreated it can lead to infertility in women.
VIEW DETAILSGenital Herpes
It is an infection caused by a virus.
It can give both mild manifestations (redness and burning) and numerous painful vesicles / ulcerations in the genital area.
The infection tends to recur over time, especially during physical or mental stress, as the virus persists in the body.
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a disease caused by the HIV virus and consists in the reduction of the body’s defenses.
It can stay for years without any sign (but it can also infect the partner) or manifest with symptoms of different severity.
VIEW DETAILSPediculosis (head and pubis)
It is a parasitosis caused by lice, which lay eggs (nits) that hatch in 7-10 days. The larvae complete their development in 7-13 days.
The eggs are attached to the base of the hair with a very resistant glue substance and can escape the comb.
The most characteristic symptom, but not always present, is localized itching, in the scalp or in the genital area.
It is caused by a bacterium (spirochete), Treponema Pallidum.
The incubation period varies between 10 and 90 days (average 21 days) after which several clinical pictures may occur: small, painless ulceration, at the point where the infection occurred (genitals or mouth), of short duration.
VIEW DETAILSTigna (head and body)
Ringworm is a contagious disease of the skin, hair and nails caused by various species of fungi known as dermatophytes.
The incubation period is variable, generally between 5 and 14 days after contact.
The disease is manifested by reddened roundish patches that tend to extend into the periphery and to clear in the center. In the case of ringworm of the head, the hair breaks easily.
After the start of adequate treatment, the disease is no longer contagious.
This site has been developed thanks to the collaboration between ANLAIDS Sez. Lombarda and ATS della Città Metropolitana di Milano – UOC MTS Milano Città di viale Jenner 44 with a Lombardy Region funding.
With the scientific contribution of:
* UOC MTS Milano Città, ATS della Città Metropolitana di Milano **ANLAIDS sezione Lombarda
- Dott. G. Vidoni medico specialista in Malattie Infettive, direttore della UOC MTS Milano Città*
- Dott.ssa L. Brignolo medico specialista in Malattie Infettive*
- Dott. C. Falanga project manager**
- Dott.ssa S. Negri psicologa e psicoterapeuta specialista nell’ambito della psicologia della salute**
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